Mental Health and Wellbeing
At Holybrook we recognise the importance of enabling pupils to be resilient and supporting good mental health and wellbeing.
We support and promote positive mental health and wellbeing in the following ways:
Prevention: creating a safe and calm environment where mental health problems are less likely, improving the mental health and wellbeing of the whole school population, and equipping pupils to be resilient so that they can
manage the normal stress of life effectively. This will include teaching pupils about mental wellbeing through the curriculum and reinforcing this teaching through school activities and ethos.
Identification: recognising emerging issues as early and accurately as possible.
Early support: helping pupils to access evidence based early support and interventions.
Access to specialist support: working effectively with external agencies to provide swift access or referrals to specialist support and treatment.
Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families - Wellbeing advice for all those supporting children and young people.
Bradford District Mental Health & Wellbeing Support - The main concerns covered in the booklet are:
- Self-isolation and Coronavirus guidance including the tier system
- Mental health, including anxiety and depression, grief and loss and crisis
- Isolation and loneliness
- Support for those caring for other people
- Domestic abuse
- Your local NHS, including how this is operating at this time
- Food and fuel poverty
- Finances and bill support
- Statutory sick pay
- Self-employed income support scheme
- Furlough scheme and business grants
British Psychological Society (BPS) - Advice on dealing with school closures and talking to children about COVID-19.
Childline - Call 0800 1111 to get help and advice about a wide range of issues or to talk to a counsellor online.
Childline Calm Zone - For breathing exercises, activities, games and videos to help let go of stress.
Childline Kids - Content targeted to under 12’s
Eating Healthily - Easy ways to eat well and move more
Every Mind Matters - The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge support new Every Mind Matters advice for looking after mental wellbeing
Go Noodle - Movement and mindfulness videos
Healthy Minds - Mental health and wellbeing resources and services for children and young people in Bradford district and Craven
Meditation - Links to free online guided meditations
Mental health and behaviour in schools - Advice for schools from the DFE
MindEd - An educational resource for all adults on children and young people’s mental health.
Preventing and tackling bullying advice for schools - Advice for schools from the DFE
The Child Bereavement Network - Advice on supporting grieving children during the coronavirus outbreak
Think Ninja - ThinkNinja is an app specifically designed to educate 10-18 year olds about mental health, emotional wellbeing and to provide skills young people can use to build resilience and stay well.
Wellbeing Journal for Kids - Outside the Box has produced a free activity journal to help children to enhance their mental wellbeing through a range of activities
Young Minds - The UK’s leading charity fighting for children and young people’s mental health.